Enter Ben the Body Guard

I am absolutely fascinated by the introductory campaign of Ben the Body Guard!

A virtual Jean Reno-like character with the mandate of protecting you.

Although rather hush hush about what exactly the elusive Ben is offering – apart from saying he can satisfy your needs (for information security on your iTouch and iPhone) – by protecting passwords, contacts,  photos and videos, notes and reminders…

Although it’s relatively new Ben the Body Guard has been uniquely marketed to my eyes and has combined several winning elements:

If marketing within video-based games (online, on your computer, on your wii, your xbox…) is a winner, although somewhat basically, Ben the Bodyguard leverages online gaming to be one of the pioneers of a really ‘cool’ way of publishing an advertising narrative.

Although it’s interface is relatively simple, it combines consumer education with an interactive videogame-like feel.  Follow Ben as he walks non-chalantly through of the dangers of city living with all your most important secrets – your business contacts, your undercover aliases and your extra-curricular activities — being exposed.

http://benthebodyguard.com has also gone viral – according to Twitter(url)y @http://twitturly.com/ it THE most tweeted and retweeted website at the time of writing, beating Justin Bieber’s grammy nomination and NASA finding extra-terrestrial life. In the 30 minutes I took to put this article together, it was retweeted a further 1546 times.

That’s not even including facebook.

Ben is also brand energizer – he functions not only as the face of the brand, but also from his character – as a security guard in the big city – where all kinds of threats loom and surround, he serves as a metaphor for conveying why you need him and how he can help you.

Ben the Bodyguard is playing on his novelty and his product release in January 2011 to be somewhat exclusive – he’s your personal bodyguard on speed dial and note, when he’s available, he’ll contact you. 

The dark corners and synthetic lights within this virtual metropolis-themed webface support the need for his services and not only enhance his image, but his professed notoriety as well.

Ben is definitely something or someone to watch!

Ben the Bodyguard is not affiliated to Apple but it is exclusively intended for their products – and noting the importance of information security in today’s world, would this be enough to tip your decision of which phone or gadget to buy in their favour?